Struts Flow

1. Client clicks submit button
2. Server receives client requst with a URL of client
3. Server reads web.xml and server transfers the Reqst the ActionServlet if matched
4. ActionServlet Reads 'struts.config.xml'
      <action name="LoginForm" path="/login" scope="request" type="com.myapp.struts.LoginAction" validate="false"/>            
 While reading Struts.config.xml
·         It creates the Object of ‘Action class’  and reads the actionclass path
·         It’s Cheks any FormBean class is Associated with Action Class by reading the path,name—attributes
·         If there
                                             I.            It creates Object of FormBean
                                           II.            And Executes Setter/Getter methods
                                         III.            Reset() method
                                        IV.            Validate(-,-) method
5. After that It executes the execute(-,-) method
6.After execution of execute(-,-) method it returns ‘ActionForword’ Object
7.It Contains the result page in the form of String
8. ActionServlet reads Struts configuration again and finds appropriate view for the String returned execute(-,-) method
<forward name="ok"  path="/ok.jsp"  redirect="true"/>
<forward name="fail"  path="/fail.jsp" redirect="false"/>

9. Returs the Result page by reading the Path

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