Struts Frame work
- Struts Architecture
- Action Mappings
- Forms
- Struts Tag Libraries
- The JSP Standard Tag Library
- Internationalization and Localization
- Input Validation
- Advanced Configuration
- Under the Hood
- Tiles
- Object Persistence
- Hibernate Architecture
- Persistent Classes
- Working with Persistent Objects
- Components
- Associations
- Other Associations
- Value Type Collections
- Inheritance
- Transitive Persistence
- Custom Mapping
- Criteria
- Transactions and Concurrency
- Fetching Strategies
- Cache
- Annotations
- Introduction to Spring Framework.
- Overview of Spring modules.
- Dependency Injection /Inversion of control.
- IOC Containers
- Annotation Driven Configuration in Depth
- AspectOrientedProgramming
- Spring web MVC
- Spring web MVC Annotation driven
- Spring DAO
- Object Relational Mapping Intergration
- Spring Transaction (TX) Management
- JEE (Java Enterprise Edition)
- Spring Security
- Spring Web flow
- Spring-JSF Integration