Dependency Injection in Struts2

Dependency Injection in Struts2

“You do not create object, describe how to use objects. The container creates the required object whenever is required.” 

The Dependency Injection helps in removing the task of creation of objects in the source code. The IoC uses the factory design pattern. The default factory used in Struts 2 is ObjectFactory. Inversion of Control (IoC) is based on how services are defined and how they should locate with the other services on which they depend. 

To obtain the traditional J2EE objects whenever need in Action, Struts 2 provides Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control in the form of aware interface. The Aware interfaces are injected in the action class.

The Struts 2 framework the following aware interfaces to obtain the ServletContext,HttpServletRequest, HttServletResponse, HttpSession, Cookie:
Aware Interface
To set the Map object in ServletContext object
To obtain all the cookies
To obtain J2EE ServletContext objectr
To obtain current servlet request attributes
To access the current servlet request(HttpServletRequest)
To access the current servlet response(HttpServletResponse) and associate map with it
To access J2EE session objects and associate map with it

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