MySQL Full Tutorial-Part1

Basic MySQL Tutorial
Manage Database in MySQL
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to manage databases in MySQL. You will learn how to create new databases, remove existing databases and display all databases in the MySQL database server.
Let’s start creating a new database in MySQL.
Creating Database
Before doing anything else with the data, you need to create a database. A database is a container of data. It stores contacts, vendors, customers or any kind of data that you can think of. In MySQL, a database is a collection of objects that are used to store and manipulate data such as tables, database viewstriggersstored procedures, etc.
To create a database in MySQL, you use the CREATE DATABASE statement as follows:
Let’s examine the CREATE DATABASE statement in greater detail:
  • Followed by the CREATE DATABASE statement is database name that you want to create. It is recommended that the database name should be as meaningful and descriptive as possible.
  • The IF NOT EXISTS is an optional element of the statement. The IF NOT EXISTS statement prevents you from an error of creating a new database that already exists in the database server. You cannot have 2 databases with the same name in a MySQL database server.
For example, to create classicmodels database, you can execute the CREATE DATABASE statement as follows:
CREATE DATABASE classicmodels;
After executing the statement, MySQL returns a message to notify that the new database has been created successfully or not.
Displaying Databases
The SHOW DATABASE statement displays all databases in the MySQL database server. You can use the SHOW DATABASE statement to check the database that you’ve created or to see all the databases on the database server before you create a new database, for example:
show databases
We have thee databases in the MySQL database server. The information_schema and mysqlare the default databases that are available when we install MySQL, and the classicmodels is the new database that we have created.
Selecting a database to work with
Before working with a particular database, you must tell MySQL which database you want to work with by using the USE statement.
USE database_name;
You can select the classicmodels sample database using the USE statement as follows:
USE classicmodels;
From now all operations such as querying datacreate new tables or stored procedures which you perform, will take effects on the current database.
Removing Databases
Removing database means you delete the database physically. All the data and related objects inside the database are permanently deleted and this cannot be undone, therefore it is very important to execute this query with extra cautions.
To delete a database, you use the DROP DATABASE statement as follows:
DROP DATABASE [IF EXISTS] database_name;
Followed the DROP DATABASE is the database name that you want to remove. Similar to the CREATE DATABASE statement, the IF EXISTS is an optional part of the statement to prevent you from removing a database that does not exist in the database server.
If you want to practice with the DROP DATABASE statement, you can create a new database, make sure that it is created and remove it. Take a look at the following queries:
In this tutorial, you’ve learned various statements to manage databases in MySQL including creating a new database, removing an existing database, selecting a database to work with and displaying all databases in a MySQL database server.
Understanding MySQL Table Types, or Storage Engines
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn various MySQL table types, or storage engines. It is essential to understand the features of each table type in MySQL so that you can use them effectively to maximize the performance of your databases.
MySQL provides various storage engines for its tables as below:
  • MyISAM
  • InnoDB
  • CSV
Each storage engine has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is crucial to understand each storage engine features and choose the most appropriate one for your tables to maximize the performance of the database. In the following sections we will discuss about each storage engine and its features so that you can decide which one to use.
MyISAM extends the former ISAM storage engine. The MyISAM tables are optimized for compression an speed. MyISAM tables are also portable between platforms and OSes.
The size of MyISAM table can be up to 256TB, which is huge. In addition, MyISAM tables can be compressed into read-only tables to save space. At startup, MySQL checks MyISAM tables for corruption and even repair them in case of errors. The MyISAM tables are not transaction-safe.
Before MySQL version 5.5, MyISAM is the default storage engine when you create a table without explicitly specify the storage engine. From version 5.5, MySQL uses InnoDB as the default storage engine.
The InnoDB tables fully support ACID-compliant and transactions. They are also very optimal for performance. InnoDB table supports foreign keys, commit, rollback, roll-and forward operations. The size of the InnoDB table can be up to 64TB.
Like MyISAM, the InnoDB tables are portable between different platforms and OSes. MySQL also checks and repair InnoDB tables, if necessary, at startup.
A MERGE table is a virtual table that combines multiple MyISAM tables, which has similar structure, into one table. The MERGE storage engine is also known as the MRG_MyISAM engine. The MERGE table does not have its own indexes; it uses indexes of the component tables instead.
Using MERGE table, you can speed up performance in joining multiple tables. MySQL only allows you to perform SELECTDELETEUPDATE and INSERT operations on the MERGE tables. If you use DROP TABLE statement on a MERGE table, only MERGE specification is removed. The underlying tables will not be affected.
The memory tables are stored in memory and used hash indexes so that they are faster than MyISAM tables. The lifetime of the data of the memory tables depends on the up time of the database server. The memory storage engine is formerly known as HEAP.
The archive storage engine allows you to store a large number of records, which for archiving purpose, into a compressed format to save disk space. The archive storage engine compresses a record when it is inserted and decompress it using zlib library as it is read.
The archive tables only allow INSERT and SELECT commands. The archive tables do not support indexes, so reading records requires a full table scanning.
The CSV storage engine stores data in comma-separated values file format. A CSV table brings a convenient way to migrate data into non-SQL applications such as spreadsheet software.
CSV table does not support NULL data type and read operation requires a full table scan.
The FEDERATED storage engine allows you to manage data from a remote MySQL server without using cluster or replication technology. The local federated table stores no data. When you query data from a local federated table, the data is pull automatically from the remote federated tables.
Choosing MySQL Table Types
You can download the following checklist to choose the most appropriate storage engine, or table type, based on various criteria.
MySQL Storage Engine Feature Summary (109.25 kB)4920 downloads

MySQL Data Types
Summaryin this tutorial, you will learn about MySQL data types and how to use them effectively in the MySQL database design.
Database table contains multiple columns with specific data types such as numeric or string. MySQL provides more data types other than just numeric or string. Each data type in MySQL can be determined by the following characteristics:
  • Kind of values it can represent.
  • The space that takes up and whether the values are fixed-length or variable-length.
  • Does the values of the data type can be indexed.
  • How MySQL compares the value of a specific data type.
Numeric Data Types
You can find all SQL standard numeric types in MySQL including exact number data type and approximate numeric data types including integer, fixed-point and floating point. In addition, MySQL also supports BIT data type for storing bit field values. Numeric types can be signed or unsigned except the BIT type. The following table shows you the summary of numeric types in MySQL:
Numeric Types
A very small integer
A small integer
A medium-sized integer
A standard integer
A large integer
A fixed-point number
A single-precision floating-point number
A double-precision floating-point number
A bit field
String Data Types
In MySQL, string can hold anything from plain text to binary data such as images and files. String can be compared and searched based on pattern matching by using the LIKE operator or regular expression. The following table shows you the string data types in MySQL:
String Types
A fixed-length non-binary (character) string
A variable-length non-binary string
A fixed-length binary string
A variable-length binary string
A very small BLOB (binary large object)
A small BLOB
A medium-sized BLOB
A large BLOB
A very small non-binary string
A small non-binary string
A medium-sized non-binary string
A large non-binary string
An enumeration; each column value may be assigned one enumeration member
A set; each column value may be assigned zero or more set members
Date and Time Data Types
MySQL provides types for date and time as well as a combination of date and time. In addition, MySQL also provides timestamp data type for tracking the changes of a row in a table. If you just want to store the year without date and month, you can use YEAR data type. The following table illustrates the MySQL date and time data types:
Date and Time Types
A date value in ‘CCYY-MM-DD’ format
A time value in ‘hh:mm:ss’ format
A date and time value in ‘CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss’ format
A timestamp value in ‘CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss’ format
A year value in CCYY or YY format
Spatial Data Types
MySQL supports many spatial data types that contain various kind of geometrical and geographical values as shown in the following table:
Spatial Data Types
A spatial value of any type
A point (a pair of X Y coordinates)
A curve (one or more POINT values)
A polygon
A collection of GEOMETRY values
A collection of LINESTRING values
A collection of POINT values
A collection of POLYGON values

Creating Tables Using MySQL CREATE TABLE Statement
Summaryin this tutorial, we will show you how to create new tables in a particular database usingMySQL CREATE TABLE statement.
In order to create a new table within a database, you use the MySQL CREATE TABLE statement. TheCREATE TABLE statement is one of the most complex statement in MySQL.
The following illustrates the syntax of the CREATE TABLE statement in the simple form:
        ) engine=table_type
Let’s examine the syntax in greater detail:
  • First, you specify the name of table that you want to create after the CREATE TABLE keywords.  The table name must be unique within a database. The IF NOT EXISTS  is an optional part of the statement that allows you to check if the table you are creating already exists in the database. If this is the case, MySQL will ignore the whole statement and it will not create any new table. It is highly recommended that you to use IF NOT EXISTS in every CREATE TABLE statement for preventing from an error of creating a new table that already exists.
  • Second, you specify a list of columns for the table in the column_list section. Columns are separated by a comma ( ,).  We will show you how to define columns in more detail in the next section.
  • Third, you need to specify the storage engine for the table in the engine clause. You can use any storage engine such as InnoDB, MyISAM, HEAP, EXAMPLE, CSV, ARCHIVE, MERGE FEDERATED or NDBCLUSTER. If you don’t declare the storage engine explicitly, MySQL will use InnoDB by default.
InnoDB became the default storage engine since MySQL version 5.5. The InnoDB table type brings many benefits of relational database management system such as ACID transaction, referential integrity and crash recovery.  In the previous versions, MySQL used MyISAM as the default storage engine.
To define a column for the table in the CREATE TABLE statement, you use the following syntax:
column_name data_type[size] [NOT NULL|NULL] [DEFAULT value]
The most important components of the syntax above are:
  • The column_name specifies the name of the column. Each column always associates with  a specific data type and the size e.g.,   VARCHAR(255)
  • The  NOT NULL or NULL indicates that the column accepts NULL value or not.
  • The DEFAULT value is used to specify the default value of the column.
  • The AUTO_INCREMENT indicates that the value of column is increased by one whenever a new row is inserted into the table. Each table has one and only one AUTO_INCREMENT column.
If you want to set particular columns of the table as the primary key, you use the following syntax:
PRIMARY KEY (col1,col2,...)
Example of MySQL CREATE TABLE statement
Let’s practice with an example of creating a new table named tasks in our sample database as follows:
You can use the CREATE TABLE statement to create the tasks table as follows:
Tasks Table
  task_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  subject varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  start_date DATE DEFAULT NULL,
  description varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (task_id)
In this tutorial, you have learned how to use MySQL CREATE TABLE to create a new tables within a database.

MySQL Sequence
Summary: in this tutorial, we will show you how to use MySQL sequence to automatically generate unique numbers for ID columns of tables.
MySQL create sequence
In MySQL, a sequence is a list of integers generated in the ascending order i.e., 1,2,3… Many applications need sequences to generate unique numbers mainly for identification e.g., customer ID in CRM, employee number in HR, equipment number in services management system, etc.
To create a sequence in MySQL automatically, you set the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute to a column, which typically is primary key column. The following are rules that you must follow when you useAUTO_INCREMENT attribute:
  • Each table has only one AUTO_INCREMENT column whose data type is typically integer or float which is very rare.
  • The   AUTO_INCREMENT column must be indexed, which means it can be either PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index.
  • The AUTO_INCREMENT column must have NOT NULL constraint. When you setAUTO_INCREMENT attribute to a column, MySQL will make it NOT NULL for you in case you don’t define it explicitly.
MySQL create sequence example
The following example creates employees table whose emp_no column is AUTO_INCREMENTcolumn:
CREATE TABLE employees(
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name  VARCHAR(50)
How MySQL sequence works
The AUTO_INCREMENT column has the following attributes:
  • The starting value of an AUTO_INCREMENT column is 1 and it is increased by 1 when you insertNULL value into the column or when you omit its value in the INSERT statement.
  • To obtain the last generated sequence number, you use the LAST_INSERT_ID() function. You often use the last insert ID for the subsequent statements e.g., insert data into child tables. The last generated sequence is unique across sessions.In other words, if another connection generates a sequence number, from your connection you can obtain it by using the LAST_INSERT_ID()function. For more details on LAST_INSERT_ID() function, check it out the MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID() function tutorial.
  • If you insert a new row into a table and specify a value for the sequence column, MySQL will insert the sequence number if the sequence number does not exist in the column or issue an error if it already exists. If you insert a new value that is greater than the next sequence number, MySQL will use the new value as the starting sequence number and generate a unique sequence number greater than the current one for the next use. This creates gaps in the sequence.
  • If you use UPDATE statement to update an AUTO_INCREMENT column to a value that already exists, MySQL will issue a duplicate-key error if the column has a unique index. If you update anAUTO_INCREMENT column to a value that is larger than the existing values in the column, MySQL will use the next number of the last insert sequence number for the next row e.g., if the last insert sequence number is 3, you update it to 10, the sequence number for the new row is 4. See the example in the below section.
  • If you use DELETE statement to delete the last insert row, MySQL may or may not reuse the deleted sequence number depending on the storage engine of the table. A MyISAM table does not reuse the deleted sequence numbers if you delete a row e.g., the last insert id in the table is 10, if you remove it, MySQL still generates the next sequence number which is 11 for the new row. Similar to MyISAM tables, InnoDB tables do use reuse sequence number when rows are deleted.
Once you set AUTO_INCREMENT attribute for a column, you can reset auto increment value in various ways e.g., by using  ALTER TABLE statement.
Let’s practice with the MySQL sequence.
First, insert two new employees into the employees table:
INSERT INTO employees(first_name,last_name)
Second, select data from the employees table:
SELECT * FROM employees;
mysql sequence insert
Third, delete the second employee whose emp_no is 2:
DELETE FROM employees
WHERE emp_no = 2;
mysql sequence delete
Fourth, insert a new employee:
INSERT INTO employees(first_name,last_name)
mysql sequence insert after delete
Because the storage engine of the employees table is InnoDB, it does not reuse the deleted sequence number. The new row has emp_no 3.
Fifth, update an existing employee with emp_no 3 to 1:
UPDATE employees
SET first_name = 'Joe',
    emp_no = 1
WHERE emp_no = 3;
MySQL issued an error of duplicate entry for the primary key. Let’s fix it:
UPDATE employees
SET first_name = 'Joe',
    emp_no = 10
WHERE emp_no = 3;
mysql sequence update
Sixth, insert a new employee after updating the sequence number to 10:
INSERT INTO employees(first_name,last_name)
mysql sequence insert after update
The next sequence number of the last insert is 4, therefore MySQL use 4 for the new row instead of 11.
In this tutorial, you have learned how to use MySQL sequence to generate unique numbers for a primary key column by assigning the column AUTO_INCREMENT attribute.

MySQL Primary Key
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL primary key constraint to create a primary key for the table.
Introduction to MySQL primary key
mysql primary keyA primary key is a column or a set of columns that uniquely identifies each row in the table. The following are the rules that you must follow when you define a primary key for a table:
  • A primary key must contain unique values. If the primary key consists of multiple columns, the combination of values in these columns must be unique.
  • A primary key column cannot contain NULL values. It means that you have to declare the primary key column with NOT NULL attribute. If you don’t, MySQL will force the primary key column as NOT NULL implicitly.
  • A table has only one primary key.
Because MySQL works faster with integers, the primary key column’s type should be an integer type e.g.,INT or BIGINT. You can choose a smaller integer type such as TINYINTSMALLINT, etc., however you should make sure that the range of values of the integer type for the primary key is sufficient for storing all possible rows that the table may have.
A primary key column often has AUTO_INCREMENT attribute that generates a unique sequence for the key automatically. The the primary key of the next row is greater than the previous one.
MySQL creates an index named PRIMARY with PRIMARY type for the primary key in a table.
Defining MySQL PRIMARY KEY Constraints
MySQL allows you to to create a primary key by defining a primary key constraint when you create or modify the table.
Defining MySQL PRIMARY KEY constraints using CREATE TABLE statement
MySQL allows you to create the primary key when you create the table by using the CREATE TABLEstatement. To create a PRIMARY KEY constraint for the table, you specify the PRIMARY KEY in the primary key column’s definition.
The following example creates users table whose primary key is user_id column:
   username VARCHAR(40),
   password VARCHAR(255),
   email VARCHAR(255)
You can also specify the PRIMARY KEY at the end of the CREATE TABLE statement as follows

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