About Technology
Java Tutorial or Core Java Tutorial or Java Programming Tutorial is a widely used robust technology. Let's start learning of java from basic questions like what is java tutorial, core java, where it is used, what type of applications are created in java and why use java.
Java is a programming language and a platform.
Java is a high level, robust, secured and object-oriented programming language.
Platform: Any hardware or software environment in which a program runs, is known as a platform. Since Java has its own runtime environment (JRE) and API, it is called platform.
Java is a programming language and a platform.
Java is a high level, robust, secured and object-oriented programming language.
Platform: Any hardware or software environment in which a program runs, is known as a platform. Since Java has its own runtime environment (JRE) and API, it is called platform.
Java - What, Where and Why?
History and Features of Java
Internals of Java Program
Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM
Internal Details of JVM
Variable and Data Type
Unicode System
Naming Convention OOPS Conecpts
Advantage of OOPs
Object and Class
Method Overloading
static variable, method and block
this keyword
Inheritance (IS-A)
Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
Method Overriding
Covariant Return Type
super keyword
Instance Initializer block
final keyword
Runtime Polymorphism
static and Dynamic binding
Abstract class and Interface
Downcasting with instanceof operator
Package and Access Modifiers
Object class
Object Cloning
Java Array
Call By Value and Call By Reference
strictfp keyword
Creating API Document String Handling
String : What and Why?
Immutable String
String Comparison
String Concatenation
Methods of String class
StringBuffer class
StringBuilder class
Creating Immutable class
toString method
StringTokenizer class Exception Handling
Exception Handling : What and Why?
try and catch block
Multiple catch block
Nested try
finally block
throw keyword
Exception Propagation
throws keyword
Exception Handling with Method Overriding
Custom Exception Nested Classes
Nested Class : What and Why?
Member Inner class
Annonymous Inner class
Local Inner class
static nested class
Nested Interface
Multithreading : What and Why?
Life Cycle of a Thread
Creating Thread
Thread Schedular
Sleeping a thread
Joining a thread
Thread Priority
Daemon Thread
Thread Pooling
Thread Group
Performing multiple task by multiple thread
Garbage Collection
Runnable class
Synchronization : What and Why?
synchronized method
synchronized block
static synchronization
Inter-thread Communication
Interrupting Thread Input and output
FileOutputStream & FileInputStream
BufferedOutputStream & BufferedInputStream
FileWriter & FileReader
Input from keyboard by InputStreamReader
Input from keyboard by Console
Input from keyboard by Scanner
PrintStream class
PrintWriter class
Compressing and Uncompressing File
Reading and Writing data simultaneously
DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
StreamTokenizer class Serialization
Serialization & Deserialization
Serialization with IS-A and Has-A
transient keyword Networking
Socket Programming
URL class
Displaying data of a web page
InetAddress class
DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket
Two way communication AWT and EventHandling
AWT Controls
Event Handling by 3 ways
Event classes and Listener Interfaces
Adapter classes
Creating Games and Applications Swing
Basics of Swing
JButton class
JRadioButton class
JTextArea class
JComboBox class
JTable class
JColorChooser class
JProgressBar class
JSlider class
Digital Watch
Graphics in swing
Displaying Image
Edit Menu for Notepad
Open Dialog Box
Creating Notepad
Creating Games and applications LayoutManagers
CardLayout Applet
Life Cycle of Applet
Graphics in Applet
Displaying image in Applet
Animation in Applet
EventHandling in Applet
JApplet class
Painting in Applet
Digital Clock in Applet
Analog Clock in Applet
Parameter in Applet
Applet Communication
Creating Games Reflection API
Reflection API
newInstance() & Determining the class object
javap tool
creating javap tool
creating appletviewer
Accessing private method from outside the class Collection
Collection Framework
ArrayList class
LinkedList class
ListIterator interface
HashSet class
LinkedHashSet class
TreeSet class
PriorityQueue class
ArrayDeque class
Map interface
HashMap class
LinkedHashMap class
TreeMap class
Hashtable class
Comparable and Comparator
Properties class JDBC
JDBC Drivers
Steps to connect to the database
Connectivity with Oracle
Connectivity with MySQL
Connectivity with Access without DSN
Connection interface
Statement interface
ResultSet interface
Storing image
Retrieving image
Storing file
Retrieving file
Stored procedures and functions
Transaction Management
Batch Processing
JDBC New Features
Mini Project Java New Features
For-each loop
Static Import
Autoboxing and Unboxing
Enum Type
etc. Internationalization
ResourceBundle class
I18N with Date
I18N with Time
I18N with Number
I18N with Currency
Java - What, Where and Why?
History and Features of Java
Internals of Java Program
Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM
Internal Details of JVM
Variable and Data Type
Unicode System
Naming Convention
Advantage of OOPs
Object and Class
Method Overloading
static variable, method and block
this keyword
Inheritance (IS-A)
Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
Method Overriding
Covariant Return Type
super keyword
Instance Initializer block
final keyword
Runtime Polymorphism
static and Dynamic binding
Abstract class and Interface
Downcasting with instanceof operator
Package and Access Modifiers
Object class
Object Cloning
Java Array
Call By Value and Call By Reference
strictfp keyword
Creating API Document
String : What and Why?
Immutable String
String Comparison
String Concatenation
Methods of String class
StringBuffer class
StringBuilder class
Creating Immutable class
toString method
StringTokenizer class
Exception Handling : What and Why?
try and catch block
Multiple catch block
Nested try
finally block
throw keyword
Exception Propagation
throws keyword
Exception Handling with Method Overriding
Custom Exception
Nested Class : What and Why?
Member Inner class
Annonymous Inner class
Local Inner class
static nested class
Nested Interface
Multithreading : What and Why?
Life Cycle of a Thread
Creating Thread
Thread Schedular
Sleeping a thread
Joining a thread
Thread Priority
Daemon Thread
Thread Pooling
Thread Group
Performing multiple task by multiple thread
Garbage Collection
Runnable class
Synchronization : What and Why?
synchronized method
synchronized block
static synchronization
Inter-thread Communication
Interrupting Thread
FileOutputStream & FileInputStream
BufferedOutputStream & BufferedInputStream
FileWriter & FileReader
Input from keyboard by InputStreamReader
Input from keyboard by Console
Input from keyboard by Scanner
PrintStream class
PrintWriter class
Compressing and Uncompressing File
Reading and Writing data simultaneously
DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
StreamTokenizer class
Serialization & Deserialization
Serialization with IS-A and Has-A
transient keyword
Socket Programming
URL class
Displaying data of a web page
InetAddress class
DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket
Two way communication
AWT Controls
Event Handling by 3 ways
Event classes and Listener Interfaces
Adapter classes
Creating Games and Applications
Basics of Swing
JButton class
JRadioButton class
JTextArea class
JComboBox class
JTable class
JColorChooser class
JProgressBar class
JSlider class
Digital Watch
Graphics in swing
Displaying Image
Edit Menu for Notepad
Open Dialog Box
Creating Notepad
Creating Games and applications
Life Cycle of Applet
Graphics in Applet
Displaying image in Applet
Animation in Applet
EventHandling in Applet
JApplet class
Painting in Applet
Digital Clock in Applet
Analog Clock in Applet
Parameter in Applet
Applet Communication
Creating Games
Reflection API
newInstance() & Determining the class object
javap tool
creating javap tool
creating appletviewer
Accessing private method from outside the class
Collection Framework
ArrayList class
LinkedList class
ListIterator interface
HashSet class
LinkedHashSet class
TreeSet class
PriorityQueue class
ArrayDeque class
Map interface
HashMap class
LinkedHashMap class
TreeMap class
Hashtable class
Comparable and Comparator
Properties class
JDBC Drivers
Steps to connect to the database
Connectivity with Oracle
Connectivity with MySQL
Connectivity with Access without DSN
Connection interface
Statement interface
ResultSet interface
Storing image
Retrieving image
Storing file
Retrieving file
Stored procedures and functions
Transaction Management
Batch Processing
JDBC New Features
Mini Project
For-each loop
Static Import
Autoboxing and Unboxing
Enum Type
ResourceBundle class
I18N with Date
I18N with Time
I18N with Number
I18N with Currency