Spring Notes by Sekhar Sir Pdf

Spring notes by sekhar sir

Spring notes by sekhar sir


I. Overview of Spring Framework
1. Getting Started with Spring
2. Introduction to the Spring Framework
2.1. Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control
2.2. Modules
2.2.1. Core Container
2.2.2. AOP and Instrumentation
2.2.3. Messaging
2.2.4. Data Access/Integration
2.2.5. Web
2.2.6. Test
2.3. Usage scenarios
2.3.1. Dependency Management and Naming Conventions
Spring Dependencies and Depending on Spring
Maven Dependency Management
Maven "Bill Of Materials" Dependency
Gradle Dependency Management
Ivy Dependency Management
Distribution Zip Files
2.3.2. Logging
Not Using Commons Logging
Using SLF4J
Using Log4J
II. Core Technologies
3. The IoC container
3.1. Introduction to the Spring IoC container and beans
3.2. Container overview
3.2.1. Configuration metadata
3.2.2. Instantiating a container
Composing XML-based configuration metadata
3.2.3. Using the container
3.3. Bean overview
3.3.1. Naming beans
Aliasing a bean outside the bean definition
3.3.2. Instantiating beans
Instantiation with a constructor
Instantiation with a static factory method
Instantiation using an instance factory method
3.4. Dependencies
3.4.1. Dependency Injection
Constructor-based dependency injection
Setter-based dependency injection
Dependency resolution process
Examples of dependency injection
3.4.2. Dependencies and configuration in detail
Straight values (primitives, Strings, and so on)
References to other beans (collaborators)
Inner beans
Null and empty string values
XML shortcut with the p-namespace
XML shortcut with the c-namespace
Compound property names
3.4.3. Using depends-on
3.4.4. Lazy-initialized beans
3.4.5. Autowiring collaborators
Limitations and disadvantages of autowiring
Excluding a bean from autowiring
3.4.6. Method injection
Lookup method injection
Arbitrary method replacement
3.5. Bean scopes
3.5.1. The singleton scope
3.5.2. The prototype scope
3.5.3. Singleton beans with prototype-bean dependencies
3.5.4. Request, session, application, and WebSocket scopes
Initial web configuration
Request scope
Session scope
Application scope
Scoped beans as dependencies
3.5.5. Custom scopes
Creating a custom scope
Using a custom scope
3.6. Customizing the nature of a bean
3.6.1. Lifecycle callbacks
Initialization callbacks
Destruction callbacks
Default initialization and destroy methods
Combining lifecycle mechanisms
Startup and shutdown callbacks
Shutting down the Spring IoC container gracefully in non-web applications
3.6.2. ApplicationContextAware and BeanNameAware
3.6.3. Other Aware interfaces
3.7. Bean definition inheritance
3.8. Container Extension Points
3.8.1. Customizing beans using a BeanPostProcessor
Example: Hello World, BeanPostProcessor-style
Example: The RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
3.8.2. Customizing configuration metadata with a BeanFactoryPostProcessor
Example: the Class name substitution PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
Example: the PropertyOverrideConfigurer
3.8.3. Customizing instantiation logic with a FactoryBean
3.9. Annotation-based container configuration
3.9.1. @Required
3.9.2. @Autowired
3.9.3. Fine-tuning annotation-based autowiring with @Primary
3.9.4. Fine-tuning annotation-based autowiring with qualifiers
3.9.5. Using generics as autowiring qualifiers
3.9.6. CustomAutowireConfigurer
3.9.7. @Resource
3.9.8. @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
3.10. Classpath scanning and managed components
3.10.1. @Component and further stereotype annotations
3.10.2. Meta-annotations
3.10.3. Automatically detecting classes and registering bean definitions
3.10.4. Using filters to customize scanning
3.10.5. Defining bean metadata within components
3.10.6. Naming autodetected components
3.10.7. Providing a scope for autodetected components
3.10.8. Providing qualifier metadata with annotations
3.11. Using JSR 330 Standard Annotations
3.11.1. Dependency Injection with @Inject and @Named
3.11.2. @Named and @ManagedBean: standard equivalents to the @Component annotation
3.11.3. Limitations of JSR-330 standard annotations
3.12. Java-based container configuration
3.12.1. Basic concepts: @Bean and @Configuration
3.12.2. Instantiating the Spring container using AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
Simple construction
Building the container programmatically using register(Class<?>…​)
Enabling component scanning with scan(String…​)
Support for web applications with AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext
3.12.3. Using the @Bean annotation
Declaring a bean
Bean dependencies
Receiving lifecycle callbacks
Specifying bean scope
Customizing bean naming
Bean aliasing
Bean description
3.12.4. Using the @Configuration annotation
Injecting inter-bean dependencies
Lookup method injection
Further information about how Java-based configuration works internally
3.12.5. Composing Java-based configurations
Using the @Import annotation
Conditionally include @Configuration classes or @Bean methods
Combining Java and XML configuration
3.13. Environment abstraction
3.13.1. Bean definition profiles
3.13.2. XML bean definition profiles
Activating a profile
Default profile
3.13.3. PropertySource abstraction
3.13.4. @PropertySource
3.13.5. Placeholder resolution in statements
3.14. Registering a LoadTimeWeaver
3.15. Additional Capabilities of the ApplicationContext
3.15.1. Internationalization using MessageSource
3.15.2. Standard and Custom Events
Annotation-based Event Listeners
Asynchronous Listeners
Ordering Listeners

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