XiMpLe XML editor
Download : http://www.ximple.cz/download.phpGo to Tools > Spilt Xml , Thats it.
Our task will be to split the file to smaller fragments which we can edit by XiMpLe.
Then link the fragments back together to get the original file with made changes.
Split the file is an easy task. Just select the file for splitting and specify a destination folder for fragments and the approximate fragment size in MB.
At this stage we can edit any xml fragment in the editor and do required changes...
Join files is an easy task as well. We use the joining definition file created by split function and join fragments together to the specified target file.
Splitting and joining operation were designed to have (or at least should have) these properties (more details can be found in a documentation):
1) If the original file is well-formed xml file, then all split fragments are well-formed xml files.
2) If all split fragments are well-formed xml files and no multiple roots are created during the joining process, then the result xml file is also well-formed.
3) If the original file is an xml file which was split then joining of not modified fragments will give the file which is the same as the original one.
4) Let’s split file A into fragments B, C, D and let’s join fragments B and C to E, fragments C and D to F. Then joining E and D will get the same file as joining B and F and they are both the same as the original file A.
1) If the original file is well-formed xml file, then all split fragments are well-formed xml files.
2) If all split fragments are well-formed xml files and no multiple roots are created during the joining process, then the result xml file is also well-formed.
3) If the original file is an xml file which was split then joining of not modified fragments will give the file which is the same as the original one.
4) Let’s split file A into fragments B, C, D and let’s join fragments B and C to E, fragments C and D to F. Then joining E and D will get the same file as joining B and F and they are both the same as the original file A.